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Happy international women’s day! In previous years I have shared a variety of thoughts and ideas about how we in The Salvation Army can best honor the women we love by allowing them to use their god-given gifts within leadership opportunities. My goal is the same this year.
I am aware that our world is as gender-equal as it has ever been. However, we must not confuse progress for completion. The journey ahead of us is still a long one, and it requires our focus.
We must also not confuse the progress of the society in which we live with our own progress as a movement.
At one time, The Salvation Army stood at the forefront of the equality movement. Our Founder, William Booth, is often quoted, “some of my best men are women.” The early Army’s willingness to utilize women in the same capacity as men was scandalous for some in that day. But that didn’t deter the boldness of his conviction.
My call today is something more than a call for equal opportunity. Yes, we need to value the women in our ranks by providing equal opportunities to lead. There is more to it than that…
If our work is truly about the Kingdom of God— about carrying the
evil-destroying Good News of Jesus
to the poor and marginalized throughout the world,
then we need the very best leaders God has gifted to us— male or female. Married or unmarried.
We cannot afford to make comfortable and easy decisions any longer. .
To our beloved and God-given leaders (and that is what you are), we need you to appoint more women leaders. Period. We have long shown a willingness to take risks on men who weren’t quite ready for various jobs. Some of those risks paid off; others did not. Let’s take some chances on women. Married and unmarried.
But that is only a piece of the puzzle. I think the more significant onus is on the rest of us.
Husbands— will you consider passing opportunities offered to you over to your wife? I know there are different spiritual gifts; thus, every task and duty may not easily be transferred. But please don’t allow this to be a crutch— an easy excuse for why you take every opportunity.
People will give us (husbands) opportunities simply because we are the man. We must love our wives by elevating them in this way. The Kingdom will be blessed, and our wives will grow and develop. A win-win.
Also, those leading corps— officers and soldiers alike— are you regularly looking for opportunities to give women a chance? In my experience, I know that many corps are carried the shoulders of faithful women. But when opportunities arise to lead, speak, or participate in various activities, are you actively considering if a woman might be the perfect candidate? We must search for ways to elevate the gifted and qualified women in our congregations.
This isn’t a political or feminist push.
I want what is best for the Kingdom.
I want our Army to fulfill its God-given mission effectively all across the world.
I want to see territories, divisions, area-commands, and corps lead by those whom God has best equipped.
I want God’s people to own up to our responsibility to properly steward the women entrusted to our movement.
We can do better.
I believe we will do better.
But it won’t happen on accident.
Let this be a year where we celebrate and elevate the woman God has gifted to us as a movement!
God Bless!
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Much Grace,
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Much Grace,
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Much Grace,
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Much Grace,
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Much Grace,